Mengenal Konstruksi/ struktur Atap Kayu untuk Rumah Tinggal
astudioarchitect.com Atap? Siapa ya yang tidak tahu? Bagian dari bangunan rumah ini selalu kita dapati di bangunan rumah di mana saja. Baik itu atap genteng yang memakai rangka kayu, baja, ataupun atap datar yang menggunakan dak beton. Pada intinya, atap adalah bagian paling atas bangunan yang memberikan perlindungan bagian bawahnya terhadap cuaca, panas, hujan dan terik matahari.
Roof? Everybody knows it. This part of building can be found anywhere. Whether using roof with wood frame, steel or flat roofs that use no concrete. In essence, a roof is the top of building that provides protection against the weather, heat, rain and sun.
Here are some of functions of roof:
1. carries load of itself, ie the load of vertical directional sheathing and then pass them on to the column and foundation
2. withstand the pressure of wind load on the horizontal directional gevel
3. receive heat from the sun and holding the temperature to stay cool in the room underneath and absorb heat in the tropical architecture concept
4. prevent rain water to enter the building
Wood construction drawings for a house to live with a fairly wide stretch, about 10 meters.
Roof which is commonly encountered used for houses in Indonesia is the wood construction type of roof. Recent construction material of roof are made of lightweight steel roofing. Both wood construction and lightweight steel roof has its own disadvantages and their own strengths. Comparisons of roof using wood and steel roof, are:
It features:
- Timber roof construction is still preferred by lots of people
- Material is readily available anywhere in the material stores
- Building materials is controlled by many local builders
- Wood materials can be formed, cut, and is used in a flexible (can be measured, cut, shaped curved, etc.)
- Flammable wooden roofs, and can be eaten by termites
- Wood materials can expand or shrink
- Spans of the roof with wood construction is often limited because the size of timber in the market is 4-5 meters.
- Timber is more difficult to get, and the more expensive
It features:
- New material that is increasingly in demand
- These materials can be made with a wide expanse (length or width of the roof)
- It is a material that if designed properly, will be stronger than wooden roof, and more secure.
- This material is more durable, can not be eaten by termites
- Lightweight steel material is more fire resistant
- Through a special contractor lightweight steel roof, the roof work can be more quickly.
- Lightweight steel materials have been given anti-rust coating
- Lightweight steel roof must be made by a specialist contractor who used to make lightweight steel roof construction, and can not be made by haphazardly workers
- Price per meter lightweight steel roof is more expensive.
Atap dengan konstruksi kuda kuda kayu termasuk paling banyak digunakan di negeri kita. Selain karena material kayu yang sangat mudah didapatkan di toko toko material, konstruksi kayu juga dikuasai oleh tukang tukang lokal. Tahukah Anda bahwa konstruksi kayu yang dipakai di kebanyakan bangunan di Indonesia saat ini, tekniknya didapatkan dari bangunan bangunan kolonial Belanda?
Roof with wood construction of are among the most widely used in our country. In addition to its wood materials that are readily available in stores materials stores, wood construction is also controlled by local workers. Do you know that wood construction used in most buildings in Indonesia today, the technique is derived from Dutch colonial buildings?
Wood construction of this Dutch model can be described as follows:
Figure of the adapted wood construction systems from the Netherlands.
This wood construction consists of:
The principal rafters
The principal rafters consists of rafters sustainer (diagonal timber block), which hold the pressing force, the basic block on the rafters (the horizontal timber at the bottom) that functions as a drag force of stretch, and the middle pillar (vertical wood) that supports the block ridge and receive pressure.
The basic principle of wooden principle rafters is distributing forces acting on it to the column or the wall building. The Form of principla rafters usually triangle, which is a very stable form or not easily changed shape.
In determining the slope of the roof construction related to the roof beams, each pair of rafters and beams rafters (pull rod) is made to form a triangle. The greater the angle of the roof, the roof load can be more easily distributed. Therefore, the roof slope angle should be no less than 30 degrees
principal battens, common rafters and common battens
Principal battens are horizontal timber that is located above the principal rafters.
common rafters and battens needed when using a tile roof. When using the zinc roof or asbestos, there is no need to use common rafters, asbestos simply placed over the battens.
Baca lebih lengkap: astudioarchitect.com: Mengenal Konstruksi/ struktur Atap Kayu untuk Rumah Tinggal http://astudioarchitect.com/2009/07/mengenal-konstruksi-struktur-atap-kayu.html#ixzz1oOm6Dn1v
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